Monday, October 28, 2019

How CBD Products Help Those Living with Anxiety

According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year.”  The agency also reports that, “Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.”

People who suffer from anxiety face many challenges in their everyday lives.  Activities that are rather easy for some people become nearly impossible challenges, evoking a physical response that makes the afflicted feel like the situation is very overwhelming.

It is hard to say why anxiety affects 40 million adults today, but if only 36.9% are finding treatment, that is a problem for the nation.  A variety of treatments exist for those who live with anxiety ranging from medication to cognitive therapy.   Medications can be given to help those with anxiety; however, they often have side effects and some are addicting.  Cognitive therapy is a useful tool, but involved with talk therapy, it can take a while to see long term results.

According to, “CBD might be worth trying to manage symptoms of anxiety.”  The article reports how it works: ‘"[CBD] tells your body to calm down and reminds you that you're safe,’ Dr. Chin says.”  The post quotes Dr. Chin further, "It mellows out the nervous system so you're not in a heightened 'fight or flight' response.”  With less response to threats, people find relief from their anxiety while using CBD Products.

Dr. Chin explains that Natural CBD products in United States are not a “wonder drug” that cure all situations.  She recommends improving the lifestyle, using a holistic approach, focusing on regular exercise and a healthy diet.  In conjunction with one another, these small changes are often to help anxiety patients see results.  By following a healthy diet and exercising several times per week, people can change their mindset.  A healthier body often means a better sense of mental health as well.  A feedback system stimulates the mind that to believe that threats are diminished.

CBD products are available across America in a variety of forms.  It is best to consult a doctor, mental health professional, or healthcare provider before adding any supplements to diet or regiment.  CBD products are all-natural and designed with the consumer’s holistic health in mind.  By taking CBD, people can find relief from their anxiety. The products are available in drops and flower form.

To learn more about the benefits of CBD products, especially about how CBD products help anxiety, contact our team at NRX Solutions today.  We will be able to find the product that fits your needs.

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